Global Journal of Medical Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Update (EISSN-2765-8910)
(formerly known as Internet Journal of Medical Update, EISSN 1694-0423)
Review Latest Developments in the field of Biomedicine, Surgery and Pharmacology.
Frequency of publication: Continuous | Language of publication: English
Starting year: 2020 | Format of publication: Online Only
- Online submission
- Wider visibility through open access
- Higher impact with wider visibility
- Prompt review

Abstracting and Indexing Information
The journal is indexed with or included in the following:
EMBASE/ Excerpta Medica, Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), UGC-CARE List (India), CABELLS Scholarly Analytics
Impact Factor® as reported in the 2023 Journal Citation Reports® (Clarivate Analytics 2024): 0.4
The journal is registered with the following abstracting partners:
Google Scholar, EBSCO, ReadCube, CrossRef, Portico

Recently Published Articles
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Rudraksh Sharma, Navita Jatain, Krishna Dodia, Saanvee Makarand Sapte, Sameenah Khodabux, Indrajit Banerjee
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