ISSN 1694-0423
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(Published: July 01, 2009)



  • Statistical Analysis of Medical Data - Doing it right
    Dr. Vandna Jowaheer (Mathematics) Mauritius
    [Full text] [PDF]

Original Work

  • Clinical complications of Chikungunya fever in Mauritius
    Dr. S. S. D. Goorah (Medicine) Mauritius
    [Abstract] [Full text-PDF]
  • Placental thickness: A sonographic indicator of gestational age in normal singleton pregnancies in Nigerian women
    Mr. C. C. Ohagwu (Radiology) Nigeria
    [Abstract] [Full text-PDF]
  • Histomorphologic alterations of the cerebellum of wistar rats following Amodiaquine plus Artesunate administration
    Mr. M. B. Ekong (Anatomy) Nigeria
    [Abstract] [Full text-PDF]
  • Coagulation activity in liver disease
    Dr. Sheikh Sajjadieh (Laboratory Medicine) Ukraine
    [Abstract] [Full text-PDF]
  • EEG arousal prediction via hypoxemia indicator in patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome
    Dr. Chen-Liang Lin (Internal Medicine) Taiwan
    [Abstract] [Full text-PDF]
  • Screening assays to find out late latent syphilis cases – which is the best one?
    Dr. Dzintars Ozoliņš (Microbiology) Latvia
    [Abstract] [Full text-PDF]
  • Dynamic changes in biochemical markers of renal function with thyroid status- A study in Indian population
    Dr. Devika Tayal (Biochemistry) India
    [Abstract] [Full text-PDF]

Case report

  • Aspiration of mediastinal hydatid cyst – A case report
    Dr. Girish Sindhwani (Respiratory Medicine) India
    [Abstract] [Full text-PDF]
  • Weismann-Netter-Stuhl Syndrome – a rare form of skeletal dysplasia
    Dr. Shalini Tripathi (Pediatrics) India
    [Abstract] [Full text-PDF]
  • Torsion of the vermiform appendix: A case report
    Dr.  Imtiaz Ahmed Wani (Surgery) India
    [Abstract] [Full text-PDF]

Book review

  • Manual of Neonatology, 1st edition, edited by Vineet Bhandari
    Dr. N. N. Munshi (Pediatrics) Mauritius
    [Full text] [PDF]
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