Received: September 03, 2008
Accepted: September 27, 2008
Reza SSM. Coagulation activity in liver disease. Internet Journal of Medical Update. 2009 July;4(2):19-23.


Dr. Sheikh Sajjadieh Mohammad Reza

Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnosis, National Medical Academy for Post-graduate Education, Kiev, Ukraine

(Corresponding Author: Dr. Sheikh Sajjadieh Mohammad Reza, Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnosis, National Medical Academy for Post-graduate Education, 9 Dorogozhytska ST, Kiev, Ukraine, Email:


Patients with advanced hepatic failure may present with the entire spectrum of coagulation factor deficiencies. This study was designed to determine laboratory abnormalities in coagulation in chronic liver disease and the association of these abnormalities with the extent of chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis. Coagulation markers were assayed in 60 participants: 20 patients with chronic hepatitis, 20 patients with cirrhosis, and 20 healthy individuals (control). Plasma levels of anti-thrombin III were determined by a chromogenic substrate method, and plasma concentrations of fibrinogen were analyzed by the Rutberg method. Commercially available assays were used for laboratory coagulation tests. The levels of coagualation activity markers in patients with chronic liver disease were significantly different in comparison to those in healthy participants. These results indicate the utility of measuring markers for coagulation activity in determining which cirrhosis patients are more susceptible to disseminated intravascular coagulation.

KEY WORDS: Liver disease; Coagulopathy; Disseminated intravascular coagulation