Received: March 16, 2019
Accepted: May 19, 2019
Ref: Al-Maathadi A, Farhan S, Alzyoud J, Al-Qtaitata A. The possible protective effect of Panax ginseng on experimentally induced colchicine myopathy in adult male albino rats: a histological study. Internet J Medical Update. 2019 January;14(1):11-17.
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The possible protective effect of Panax ginseng on experimentally induced colchicine myopathy in adult male albino rats: a histological study

Aiman Al-Maathadi1, Sinan Farhan2, Jihad Alzyoud3, Aiman Al-Qtaitata1

1Department of Anatomy and Histology, Faculty of Medicine, Mutah University, Jordan
2Department of Pharmacy, Al-Rafidain University College, Baghdad, Iraq
3Faculty of Applied Health Sciences, The Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan

(Corresponding Author: Aiman Al-Qtaitata, Department of Anatomy and Histology, Faculty of Medicine, Mutah University, PO box 7, Karak, Jordan. Email:


Myopathy is one of the side effects of colchicine, manifested as pain, dysfunction, and weakness of muscles. Ginseng extract antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities have been reported in muscular tissue. This study was conducted to investigate whether administration of ginseng ameliorates colchicine-induced skeletal muscles damage in adult male albino rats. Forty adult male albino rats were randomly divided into four groups (ten/group) – Group I (control group): rats received normal diet and orally given normal saline, Group II: ginseng extract was administered via oral gavage daily for one month at the doses of 300 mg/kg, Group III (Colchicine treated group): rats were given colchicine (50 μg/kg/day) via oral gavage for one month, and Group IV: concomitant administration of Ginseng and colchicine for one month. Serum creatine kinase (CK) levels were measured, and skeletal muscles specimens were processed for light and electron microscopic examination. Administration of colchicine (group III) showed elevated serum CK, and histologically myofibrillar disarray foci together with cellular infiltration and edema. Group IV showed reduction in most of those manifestations. Concomitant administration of ginseng with colchicine ameliorated most of the symptoms related to colchicine induced-myopathy.

KEY WORDS: Panax ginseng; Colchicine; Myopathy; Skeletal muscle