Received: May 01, 2013
Accepted: February 08, 2014
Ref: Does the clinical profile of Gujarati patients with Takayasu’s aortoarteritis differ from other Indians? Internet J Med Update. 2014 Jul;9(2):4-8.
Jain SR, Sharma KH, Garg R, Jadhav N. Does the clinical profile of Gujarati patients with Takayasu’s aortoarteritis differ from other Indians?
Sharad R Jain*, Kamal H Sharma*, Rajiv Garg** and Nikhil Jadhav**
*Associate Professor, **Resident, UN Mehta Institute of Cardiology and Research Centre (UNMICRC), Ahmedabad, India
(Corresponding Author: Dr. Sharad R Jain, UN Mehta Institute of Cardiology and Research Centre, Civil Hospital Campus, Ahmedabad 380016, Gujarat, India; Phone: +919712055603; Fax: 007922682092; Email:
Takayasu’s aortoarteritis is a well-known yet rare form of large vessel vasculitis. It is a chronic inflammatory diseas, which has remained an enigma since it was first described a century ago. The present study was done to document the demographic profile, clinical course, complications and survival of 30 consecutive patients with aortoarteritis in the Gujarati population of western India. The study used non-invasive (color doppler, CT and MR angiography) and invasive techniques (conventional angiography) to document the vessels involved. The study showed almost equal incidence of disease in males and females in the Gujarati population unlike in other studied populations. Incidence of type-III aortoarteritis was the most common and left renal involvement was found to be significantly more common than right renal involvement in the present study. There was no mortality during the study period.
KEY WORDS: Vasculitis; Takayasu’s aortoarteritis; Clinical profile; Gujarati population